Welcome To Wisdumb University

Hey there little Freshman!

You made it to class! I am excited to start this journey with you!  Unlike some other course, this isn't about more deepening or becoming more proficient with the Principles...this about the simplest ways to share the 3p's to a general audience.   What's going to be cool is that the more you share, the deeper your understanding will become! So my goal is that you get comfortable enough to go out there to start sharing!

I'll give you ideas, ways I structure my talks so you will always have something to fall back on!  After many years of teaching the 3p's at a Recovery Center, my own business, and private one-on-one clients; I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will make sharing this stuff a breeze!  

Have fun and stop chewing your gum so loud! Your classmates are getting annoyed! :)